In line with the high solicitud granted by his Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, to Moroccans residing abroad, and in order to implement the national program for mobilizing Moroccan competencies abroad, as well as to enhance communication ties with this group of citizens, the Ministry delegate in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad organizes the first meeting of Moroccan competencies residing in Asia, on 25 and 26 November 2020, under the slogan “for an effective contribution of Moroccan competencies abroad to investment programs and promotion of innovation and artificial intelligence in Morocco”.
This forum aims to pursue the implementation of the Ministry’s program in the field related to the development of Moroccan competencies networks abroad, as this forum will be a first step for the creation of the network of Moroccan competencies residing in Asia, for the first time in the sectors related to modern technologies. The Forum also aims to promote the contribution of these competencies in the areas of finance, innovation and artificial intelligence through the transfer of expertise, knowledge and investment, as well as to showcase the opportunities available in Morocco for developing partnerships with the public and private sectors, universities and research centers.
The forum was attended by Moroccan competencies residing in this continent through video conference technology, exceeding 50 participants from Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Kuwait.
Representatives of the Moroccan government sectors and national institutions also participated in the meeting.
It is worth mentioning that the Ministry elaborated a set of mechanisms and systems aiming to encourage and support Moroccan investors residing abroad. Their potential and qualifications would also be responsive to the needs of Morocco in terms of bringing experience and knowledge to various fields. It is to be noted that 17% of them are post graduates, with an important qualitative development in terms of their social and professional level and prominent presence in various fields.
A study conducted by the Ministry in partnership with the OECD in 2017 highlighted that 89% of Moroccan young people residing abroad who were interviewed expressed their wish to invest and participate in entrepreneurship in Morocco.