Cultural and Educational program

Recognizing the importance of the cultural dimension in strengthening the ties of Moroccans residing abroad with their country of origin, the Ministry has set up a diversified cultural offer for them, encompassing several programmes implemented both in Morocco and in host countries.

Cultural and educational program

cultural programmes in Morocco

A- Cultural Universities for Moroccan students residing abroad

The cultural university programme for young MRA students, whose age ranges from 18 to 25 years, is an important component of the cultural offer dedicated to MRA.

Organized all year round, in winter, spring and summer, this program aims to preserve the national identity of the new generations, in all its dimensions. It also aims to strengthen their attachment to their country of origin. Each year, 300 to 500 young MRA are selected and invited to attend.

The activities of each edition are designed and implemented in partnership with one or more Moroccan universities. The Ministry calls on the assistance of these actors to ensure better supervision of participants. In addition to immersing beneficiaries in an academic environment, facilitating communication and knowledge transfer, the expertise available to universities enables the objectives of this program to be achieved.

a.a- Winter University:

The Ministry in partnership with Al Akhawayn University, organized, from 20 to 24 December 2018, in Ifrane, the 2nd edition of the Winter University, in favour of young Moroccans residing abroad, under the theme of “Living Together”.

a.b- Spring University:

The Ministry in partnership with the Beni-Mellal – Khénifra Regional Council and Sultan Moulay Slimane University, organized, from 09 to 15 April 2018, in Beni-Mellal, the Spring University, in favour of young Moroccans residing abroad, under the theme “Morocco, Land of Cultures”.

a.c- Summer University

The Ministry in partnership with the Council of the Tangiers-Tetouan-Al-Hoceima Region and Abdelmalek Essaadi University, organized, from 14 to 23 July 2018, in Tetouan, the 10th edition of summer universities for young Moroccans residing abroad.

a.d- Digital summer university :

As part of the celebration of National Immigrant Day, commemorated on August 10 each year, and the various annual activities organized by the Ministry in favor of Moroccans residing abroad, and in order to continue to improve public services for them, the Ministry Delegate in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad organizes on August 5 and 6, 2020, the digital version of the Summer University, in favor of young Moroccans Residing Abroad.

Given the exceptional health situation caused by the “Covid-19” pandemic, which is raging in Morocco and around the world, the Ministry is organizing this year’s Summer University in a digital format.

B- Participation of members of the Moroccan community residing abroad in the Throne Day celebrations

In coordination with Moroccan’s diplomatic missions abroad, the Ministry, each year, invites members of the Moroccan community residing abroad to participate in the official Throne Day celebrations.
This is an exceptional opportunity dear to the Moroccans residing abroad, which offers them the opportunity to express and reaffirm, on their behalf and on behalf of all Moroccans in the world, their unwavering dedication to the august person of the King.

C- Organisation of cultural trips

The new generations of Moroccans residing abroad are experiencing major difficulties linked to the problem of identity and knowledge of the culture of origin, coupled with difficulties of integration in the host countries.

To enable these new generations to forge links with their country of origin and open up to other foreign communities, the Ministry organizes annual cultural visits, in partnership with the network of associations working in host countries in favor of Moroccans residing abroad. Carried out in consultation with the various diplomatic missions and consular posts, this programme allows young people to better understand the history and culture of their country of origin through scheduled visits to historic sites and various institutions and to discover Morocco’s assets and structural projects.


A- Theatre tours programme

Taking into account the primary role of art in the promotion of interculturality, the strengthening of links with the country of origin and the consolidation of cultural identity, especially among the new generations, the Ministry Delegate in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad organizes, each year, several theatrical tours in the host countries in favor of Moroccans residing abroad.

B- Moroccan cultural centres abroad : DAR AL MAGHRIB

In response to the diaspora’s request and desire to create cultural spaces aimed at promoting Morocco and its cultural influence in host countries societie’s, the Ministry is working to set up Dar Al Maghrib cultural centres, particularly in countries of residence that host a large Moroccan community.

Dar Al Maghreb in Montréal :

Development of educational offer

Learning the official languages strengthens the ties of the emerging generations of Moroccans expatriates with country of origin, and their positive integration into the societies of residence.
In this context, the Ministry has implemented an ambitious programme aimed at:

– Teaching Moroccan languages and culture to MRA children.
– Supervision of educational programmes carried out by associations working in the field of teaching Moroccan languages and culture
– Strengthening the capacities of associative actors during the setting up of their projects.

Moroccan languages and culture training programme

Within the framework of the intergovernmental agreements concluded in the field of education between Morocco and certain host countries (France, Belgium and Spain), the “ELCO” programme has been set up to promote the teaching of Moroccan languages and culture. More than 70,000 Moroccan students residing abroad benefit from this program every year.

Partners :

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans Residing Abroad.
Relevant institutions in host countries.

Support to cultural associations

As part of a participatory approach, the Ministry has developed a partnership programme with MRA associations to carry out jointly targeted activities that meet the needs of MRAs in the educational field.

Regulatory framework :

Partnership and cooperation agreement signed between the Ministry and the School Education Sector on 13 October 2011.
Partnership agreements signed between the Ministry and the associations of MRAs abroad.

Partners :

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans Residing Abroad.
Associations of MLAs working abroad.
Universities and training centres established abroad.

Actions :

Support and accompaniment of projects relating to the teaching of Moroccan languages and culture to Moroccan children residing abroad.
Provision of school books and didactic tools to associations working in the field of teaching Moroccan languages and culture.


Contact information

Standard 1 : 212537776564

Standard 2 : 212537776588

Permanence (4.30 pm to 6.30 pm): +212 6 61 07 60 60

Fax : 212537770006

Address : Angle Rue Al Mariniyine et Rue Kssar Essouk, Hassan, Rabat