Press release

Sep 15, 2020 | News, PRESS RELEASES

In the framework of the implementation of High Royal Instructions that is aiming to devote renewed policy to keep up with the concerns of Moroccans residing abroad, and in view of the important position of civil society as a key partner in this field and the need to mobilize it to play its role in mentoring the young Moroccans abroad, In the context of this exceptional situation, linked to the Corona pandemic, the Ministry Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Morroccans Residing Abroad, launch starting from September 11th 2020 a “Call for proposals for the year 2020” adressed to Moroccan associations abroad working for Moroccan youth and youngs of Moroccan origin.

This initiative is part of the program to support the projects of the associations working in favor of Moroccans residing abroad, which aims at supporting civil society abroad to strengthen cultural diplomacy in host countries through a harmonious and coherent assocations network that strengthens the Moroccan presence in civil society, especially during the health crisis that the world is facing due to Covid 19 pandemic, and the difficult social and economic consequences it may have for Moroccans residing abroad, especially among young people.

The program consist on a mechanism for keeping up with and co-financing activities and projects prepared by the Moroccan civil society in favor of Moroccans residing abroad, mainly to strengthen their ties to their country of origin and its all cultural components, as well as to help them overcome problems and difficulties and to protect them through the diverse Moroccan identity with a view to upholding the values of tolerance, common life and respect for others.

In this context, the process of filing applications by associations working for Moroccans residing abroad started from 11 September 2020 to 11 November 2020 at diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Kingdom of Morocco. The proposed support projects should be integrated into the themes of support for young Moroccans who have problems in their school career and to keep up with the young Moroccans abroad and with some groups in a difficult situation such as prisoners and women, to improve Moroccan culture in the host countries in favor of young Moroccans abroad, and also to improve the situation of Moroccan women abroad, especially those of the rising generation, and improve the living together and to mobilize young skilled Moroccan women.

In order to strengthen the governance framework and the partnership between the Ministry delegate in charge of Morrocans Residing Abroad and the associations working for Moroccans abroad, the Ministry adopted for the first time a specification rules as an alternative to the previous manual of procedures, which outlines the various aspects related to the partnership’s management, in particular the reference framework, target groups and co-financing of the partnership, and implementation forms, commitments of Parties as well as the follow up and review methodology.

Details of the call of proposals procedures  were announced through the official website of the  Ministry Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Morroccans Residing Abroad : A committee has been set up to study and select projects that will benefit financial support for the year 2020, in accordance with the requirements of Prime Minister’s circular No. 2003/7 of 27 June 2003 concerning the establishment of partnership between the state and the associations.



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Permanence (4.30 pm to 6.30 pm): +212 6 61 07 60 60

Fax : 212537770006

Address : Angle Rue Al Mariniyine et Rue Kssar Essouk, Hassan, Rabat