Statement by Royal Office

Dec 8, 2020 | News

Rabat – Here follows a statement by the Royal Office:

“His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has given His high Instructions to the Government to adopt free-of-charge vaccination against the COVID-19 epidemic for the benefit of all Moroccans.

This lofty Royal gesture draws its essence from the sovereign’s continuous high royal solicitude and human benevolence towards all components of the Moroccan people since the outbreak of the first cases of this virus in Morocco.

It also falls within the framework of the high royal guidelines aimed at launching a mass vaccination operation against this epidemic, in the coming weeks. It aims to ensure the vaccine for all Moroccans as an adequate means of immunization against the virus and to contain its spread in the perspective of a gradual return of citizens, God willing, to their normal life in peace and security.

His Majesty the King, may God preserve Him, had chaired on November 9, a working session dedicated to the vaccination strategy against Covid-19, as part of the continuous monitoring by the Sovereign of the evolution of this pandemic and measures to fight its spread and protect the health and safety of citizens.”



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